Signs You Need Emergency Veterinarian Care For Your Pet

4 January 2023
 Categories: , Blog

If you live in an area where they offer 24-hour emergency pet care, you're in luck in the event your pet ever needs emergency care. Your pet can benefit from emergency services when they are severely injured, have an allergic reaction to something, accidentally ingest something they shouldn't, or if you are unsure you have an emergency on your hands and want to take some extra precautions by getting them veterinary care.

Here are signs you need emergency veterinarian care for your pet. You may pay an after-hours or emergency vet fee in addition to your regular charges, so make sure you bring a credit or debit card you can use for the treatment or have emergency cash handy. 

Your pet is struck by a car

If your pet is able to survive being struck by a car and appears to only have minor injuries, take them to the vet anyway for 24-hour emergency pet care. Your pet may have some internal injuries that they won't show signs of right away, and only a thorough exam and x-rays done by your pet's emergency vet can determine just how injured your pet really is.

Your pet cannot breathe

Whether your pet has gotten something stuck in their throat or they have had an allergic reaction to something causing them to have breathing issues, they need care immediately. Your pet may be able to be assisted via your own efforts if you know basic pet CPR or a call to a 24-hour emergency pet care clinic can help you get some help over the phone until you can get to the vet.

A pet's body does not operate the same as a human's does, although you can try pounding roughly upwards between a pet's shoulder blades to help them breathe if they are choking. Try to get your pet to the vet immediately.

Your pet has been severely attacked

A pet being attacked by another person or an animal can happen and when it does, the damage and injury can be severe. Take your pet in if they have broken bones, bleeding you cannot stop, or if you are worried about them contracting a disease like rabies from an animal attack. 24-hour emergency pet care is there to assist you in getting your pet back to their best health again and to protect them against future damage due to infection or disease contraction.

Contact a clinic like South Seattle Veterinary Hospital to learn more.
